HI Everyone! I hope you are having a great summer! As we set up training dates for the fall, Timeline Safety Training will offer classes that will be masks recommended & separate dates for mandatory masking to accommodate people's preferences.
You will see these different options, for public courses, listed on the schedule tab of our website.
We are happy to work with your company and set up classes that meet your needs.
Enjoy the summer and we look forward to seeing you at your next course.
Welcome to 2022 Everyone!
Seems like an odd time to be posting a new year post but with the rise in cases in January and February we postponed all inperson training during those months.
As we start to set up classes for March and onwards, we wanted to let everyone know that we won't be changing anything about the way that we have been conducting training since the pandemic started. We will still have 6 foot spacing, masks on , screening questions, indivdiual equipment, and lots of extra cleaning.
Thank you to all of our clients that have supported us through this, it has not been easy to navigate and I appreciate your continued support as we continue to provide you with as safe a learning space that we can.
Wishing everyone a wonderful 2022!
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer! As we head into fall training COVID remains a very significant threat to our public health and our health care system. We are continuing our COVID protocols & guidelines that we have been practining throughout the pandemic;
Thank you to everyone who has taken training with me! I am very appreciative that I have such wonderful clientel! If you are new to training with Timeline Safety Training, we welcome you and look forward to working with you!
I hope you are all continuing to stay safe. So the government announced today that the Regina and area travel advisory will remain in effect until April 12th. This applies to (as of today) : https://www.saskatchewan.ca/covid19-measures.
These additional measures apply to the city of Regina and area including: Belle Plaine, Pense, Grand Coulee, Lumsden Beach, Regina Beach, Craven, Lumsden, Edenwold, Pilot Butte, White City, Balgonie, Kronau, Davin, Gray, Riceton, RM of Lajord, RM of Edenwold, RM of Sherwood, RM of Pense and the RM of Lumsden.
Regina and Area Travel Advisory - A travel advisory is being issued for Regina and area communities. Travel is not recommended in or out of the Regina area unless absolutely necessary.
We are asking that if you have recently travelled to these areas, are from these areas, or have interacted with someone from these areas that you contact me ASAP and we will re-schedule your course. I really want to be sure that everyone takes this seriously. It is also important that if you have someone in your home or if you are "self- monitoring" because of an exposure, you also do not come to the inperson training at this time.
Thank you again for all that you do and continue to do to ensure that people are safe.
As the situation is evolving every day, I will email those registered if there are any updates or changes.
Thank you for your continued support of my company, my family and I greatly appreciate it.
Amanda Everitt
I have been analyzing and contemplating where Timeline Safety Training, and ultimately myself as the lead instructor, stand on continuing with training at this time. We are seeing a significant increase in hospitalizations due to the virus and I am sure, like myself, you have read the requests from the physicians and nurses asking the public to assist them in slowing the spread of COVID-19.
The government has; effective November 19th, stated that indoor private gatherings are reduced to 5 people. This includes any gatherings occurring in the home or in a building located on private property.
They have also stated that gatherings of any size beyond your immediate household is discouraged at this time.
I listened to the government’s presentation yesterday at 3pm and they are encouraging people to limit the amount of time they are spending if/when they need to go out (ex. Grocery shopping).
So for the time being, in light of the increasing cases of Covid-19 in the province and the announcements this week by the government discouraging gatherings, I am choosing to suspend first aid training at this time and stand with the healthcare professionals who are asking us to help.
All participants who were scheduled for training this month have been emailed & I have appreciated everyone’s kindness, understanding, and support during this time.
Once it is appropriate for us to have inperson training again, I will start to schedule classes.
I hope everyone stays safe.
Phase 3 allows us to hold in person first aid training 😊
Thank you to everyone who has continued to sign up for classes and shift their class dates as we waited for phase 3.
There will be a few changes to how we run our classes and I want everyone to be made aware of what they are.
Thank you again for your continued support and I look forward to seeing you in class!
Everyone will be emailed the day before class the SK Government Self Assessment Tool to complete https://ca.thrive.health/covid19/en. Any person who is sick, or at risk of having COVID-19 (based on the assessment tool) is asked to stay home and reschedule their date. Before admittance into the class: all participant will be asked to determine if they have been ill or have had any signs of illness within the last 24 hours (fever, cough, breathing difficulties/shortness of breath, or other symptoms), or been in contact with someone who is ill.
Every person will be required to wear a mask. You are welcome to bring your own disposable or cloth mask. If you do not have one, there will be disposable masks available to purchase for $2.
There will be a minimum 2 meters (six feet) of separation between students and between students and Instructors.
Upon entering our building please maintain the 2 meter space between participants. There is a single path to the classroom and each person will have their own table and chair that is spaced a minimum 2 meters from any other person.
Every person will be using their own equipment during training and each piece of equipment is cleaned using a bleach solution after every use. There will be a constant cleaning of common surfaces using a combination of Lysol wipes and bleach solution throughout class. There will be hand sanitizer available (as always) and you will have increased reminders to wash your hands 😊
Class sizes will be small to allow everyone to feel like they have enough space to feel comfortable. Amanda will also be using a headset microphone with a speaker system so that everyone in the class can still hear the class through her mask.
HI Everyone!
I hope that you are all well!
These are definitely different times than we are used to and everyone is adjusting as fast as they can.
We have been asked by the Red Cross that all instructors cease the inperson instruction for now. We do not know how long this may be for, but we have a plan 😊
The Canadian Red Cross is aware that inperson course cancellations due to COVID-19 precautionary measures will have an impact on those requiring to maintain their certifications. Red Cross has worked with workplace health and safety regulators to offer support to those who have certifications that will expire in the next few months.
All Red Cross first aid certifications (which would have expired March through June 30, 2020) will be considered valid 90-days beyond their expiry date.
As well, the online portion that you complete, when you register, will be valid for 90 days.
I will list dates in the "upcoming course" section, that you can register for one of these dates to maintain and extend your certification. If the restrictions to inperson training remain in place a week before our scheduled date, I will just re-schedule the inperson session with you.
If we pass the 90 days from your certificate expiring, we will figure it out.
Many of you know me personally you know that I will make sure we have you covered. If we haven’t met yet, you will learn that I am committed to those I work with and we will get your situation addressed appropriately.
Remember – the online portion will be valid for 90 days 😊
Thank you for your continued support of our company, as we put our in person training on hold.
Amanda Everitt
In person training is on hold but you can take this time to complete the online portion :)
Timeline Safety Training
Timeline Safety Training Box 521 Allan, SK S0K0C0 CA
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